
Monday, 17 March 2014

Monday Quick Writes

                                                       What animal would you be.

I would be a  cheetah  because they run fast and they love meat  like me. Cheetah have brown fur and black spots. I love cheetahs  because they have good sents of smell and have cool eyes.

The things that I would do if I was  a cheetahs I would run everyday to be faster than a tiger and a lion.
My diet would be  a  zebra and a kangaroo. Anyways cheetah are my favorite animals. I would eat less everyday if I could.

 Some cheetahs fight sometimes and sometimes fight everyday. Cheetah have sharp teeth like a huge lion. Cheetahs are strong animals and they also have alot of enegry.

I would be a cheetah because they are camourflage. Cheetahs run fast because they smell fear from other animals. Some animals get frighten by lions, cheetahs, tigers and other wild animals that eat other animals.

1 comment:

  1. Great writing Irys. I really like the way you have thought carefully about your sentences and put all the capital letters and fullstops in the right place. You know a lot about cheetahs. Where did you learn all this information?
