Term Evaluation
This year it has be awesome because of all of the new skills I can do in writing, reading, maths and topic. I have learnt how to controll my anger by helping people out and saying good things to other people and teachers too. The things I have learnt was about space and explanations at first I thought that learning about space would be a challange for me. But when I slowly started to learn about space it wasn't hard after all.
My favorite was going to the Botanical Garderns, at the botanical gardens I have learnt alot about our native birds and the NZ plants. My other favorite thing this year was learning about time I liked leanring about time because it helps me tell time and understanding it to. I learn lots of facts about planets I don't know about. Also I like learning new things in music and swimming, in music I learnt alot of new chords in ukulele and learn alot of things in dance. In swimming I learn alot about backstrocks and armstrocks.
Next year I want to learn about Safety, I want to learn about safety because it sounds like a great topic for next year. Also some kids looks like they need a little help on the roads and walking all alone.